Saturday, October 17, 2015

You don't need to be the biggest to be the best at what you do

It’s so interesting/synchronistic how something that I learned in the talk I went to this morning with John Henne (of Henne Jewelers in Pittsburgh) completely and directly applied to our Beachbody regional meeting later in the day and REALLY affected my mindset in a positive way (and I think he gave a great message for ANYONE regardless of what your business/career is so please, read on)...

Beachbody events are always jam packed with awesomeness, however it’s not always sunshine and rainbows behind the scenes. It’s an incredible business but it is TOUGH mentally to maintain belief in yourself during the inevitable disappointments and slow phases that come with any business. With as rapidly as the health and fitness industry is growing, it’s HARD not to get caught up in the lack mentality that leads to comparing our success against the seeming progress of others. And a prime time that this comes up is during recognition at events like this. If you’d have told 3-years-ago me that I’d be where I am today, I’d be absolutely thrilled. Looking back, I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made, not just in my business, but in my life! But like any business (and life in general), there are always more levels, more milestones that we can achieve, and more things that we feel we could be or “should be” doing/accomplishing.

Fortunately, I was at a Learning to Lead event this morning (an organization by Doug and Laura Smith that brings in high-character and successful business leaders from around the area to speak on what they believe are the key components to their success and fulfillment) and today they brought in John Henne. I asked John this morning for his tips on how he overcomes the temptation to fall into lack mentality and comparison mode. His answer was one of my biggest take-aways of his talk. He said, “I realized that I don’t need to be the biggest to be the best at what I do.” In his talk, it was SO EVIDENT how much he values and exemplifies QUALITY work and true and sincere care for his customers. He spoke repeatedly about the importance of focusing on giving rather than worrying about what you’re trying to get out of it, and in doing so, you actually get far more than you ever could have imagined. One of the things that I thought was so neat about their business and attitude is how much they care about the marriage of their customers as opposed to it just an engagement ring sale- they even give their customers a book, “Things I Wish I Knew Before Marriage,” by Gary Chapman. It was such an important reminder of the little ways we can go above and beyond to show business clients (as well as the important people in our lives!) that we care. It reminded me how important it is to keep the big picture and the true PURPOSE of my business in mind and look for extra ways in which I can SERVE. The legacy comes in what we are able to GIVE BACK. He also emphasized the importance of being happy with who you are and reminded us that if you are not happy with who you are, you will never be a good employee. He said, “it’s not about the job it’s the attitude you bring to job.”

So how did this apply to the rest of my day? I was reminded that even if I haven’t reached an arbitrary milestone in my business, even if I’m not as far along as other coaches who have been in the business for less time than I have, or even if I’m not yet as far along as I plan to go does not mean I am not still the best at this business. I am the best in my own way if I am giving with sincerity, if I am showing care for others, if I am happy with who I am, and if I am pouring words of encouragement into others. We can ALL be the best in that way. THOSE are the things that create our legacy. THAT is what people will remember long after we’re gone. And all of those things are completely independent of any kind of arbitrary accomplishment or society-defined “success”. So whatever it is you do, stop worrying about being the biggest or the farthest along and start focusing on GIVING and being of SERVICE and THAT is what will make you the best!!

John, thank you again for speaking with us today! I hope I did your incredible message justice!!

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