Thursday, October 22, 2015

World of cooperation

I love Teal and I had SOOOO many specific takeaways from this particular blog post (link at the bottom) but the overriding theme is how much pain we cause ourselves by thinking things "should" or "need to be" a certain way. She uses the example of life after divorce and the impact on kids to show the difference between a state of ego and cultural conditioning dictating our behavior and attitudes versus being open to a state of cooperation.

I rebel against so many of the societal dictations of how we "should feel" because of the fear state and guilt and constriction it induces. It also blocks us from the perspective of being able to see the greater love-based picture that would ultimately lead to more cooperation and happiness for all those involved. Who cares if it's not the traditional outlook? From my perspective, there's a lot about the traditional outlook that isn't working- people feel stuck in miserable jobs, sub-par or loveless relationships, or generally feel unfulfilled to the point where they know in their gut that there has to be more. When that voice asks us, "isn't there something MORE to life?" we have to be WILLING to temporarily disallow what we've been trained into and open our eyes to other possibilities that are more aligned with our heart's true desires, however crazy they may seem to our cultrurally conditioned mind. We all have areas where we hold ourselves back. There is nothing wrong about this, we are all on our own journeys. But I absolutely BELIEVE we can evolve into a much more love-aligned world of cooperation rather than fear-based defensive protection of the self. We just have to take the initial steps of being BRAVE!!!! It can happen! We are already moving this way!! I can FEEL it!! And I have no doubt that if you pay careful attention, you can too :)

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