Thursday, May 31, 2018

What the Piper tribe means to me


Yesterday my friends Aaron and Hannah had a small get-together in Aaron’s living room to celebrate their launch of their first Piper Creative apparel line, Piper One.

I am not only proud of what my friends have accomplished in their first 3 months of creating this company, but I am proud to be a part of this community and tribe.

Piper to me means celebrating each person’s own uniqueness.

Piper is a community of makers and creators and people who desire to live intentionally and make a difference in the world.

Piper to me is a tribe that will lift each other up; a tribe of connectors that will propel each person farther than they could have ever gone alone.

Piper is an expression of the momentum and energy of what’s happening here in Pittsburgh, not just with Aaron and Hannah’s business, but with ALL of the people they support and connect. As a company, Piper Creative, chooses to give back by celebrating and lifting other creatives, other people who are really trying to build something GOOD!

To Aaron and Hannah, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve bought one of their services or are a fan of what they are doing, or just like to watch their documentation of the growth of their company (literally from day 1). They want to add VALUE to the world and to each person who connects with them. That is why it FEELS like a tribe and a community and a MOVEMENT!

I have no doubt this movement will reach far beyond Pittsburgh (and already is!) but I love how it was so important to them to incorporate the legacy of Pittsburgh into their name, Piper Creative, and all of the designs of their new apparel line, Piper One. I like people who always give a nod to their roots ;-)

Piper One officially launches tomorrow and whether you’re a local creative, someone who is a fan of what their doing, someone who is looking to connect with other people living intentionally, or someone who is wanting to CREATE something in this world, I have no doubt you’ll connect in some way to the messages their apparel represents. And quite honestly, I just think it’s really cool :)

A link to the videos I did with Aaron and Hannah about their growing business and some of the ideas behind it can be found here (I really hope it adds value to you in some way):

Youtube playlist of the videos (scroll to Piper Answers videos):

PS- I can’t WAIT to see what this looks like a year, 2 years, and 50 years from now and when we all get to think back on what this felt like when it was just a little get-together in Aaron’s living room!


Visit and for more info!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :) Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Friday, May 25, 2018

4 Years Full-time... THANK YOU!!!

This week has officially been 4 YEARS since I became a full-time online health and fitness coach. I still can't believe I get to do what I love for a living! It is an absolute joy & pleasure to SERVE the people I coach and to do my best to spread joy in the world! It's been 4 years that I've been able to work from anywhere, make my own schedule, and have total FREEDOM and flexibility of lifestyle. I love being able to drop everything when someone I care about needs my help or an opportunity comes up to spend extra quality time with family and loved ones. I am so grateful for the beautiful places I've been able to travel to, the life-enriching experiences I've had, and the people I've gotten to meet because I can do my work anywhere. I feel fulfilled, joyous, grateful, and energized because of what I get to do. And I hope in some small way to be able to spread that to others 💖

Thank YOU for your constant support and encouragement in the work that I am doing. Whether you've been a client, sent referrals, liked/shared/commented on a post, or shared a message of health and uplifting perspectives, you've helped me in this journey and I do NOT take that for granted! I could not do what I do without YOU. The way you've helped my business, added positive comments on my posts, and encouraged me has meant the world to me! I want you to know I appreciate YOU and what you are doing in the world to help make this world a better place!!

I am grateful for you!!!


Visit and for more info!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :) Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Friday, April 27, 2018

80 Day Obsession results, weight loss, and before & after pics

80 Day Obsession was not a program I expected to lose a ton of weight on. Not because it's not possible, quite the opposite- I have seen a TON of people getting amazing results! It was more that I didn't expect for ME to lose a lot considering I had a lot of travels during the program, had to take a week off while skiing, and didn't follow the eating plan super closely.

Much to my surprise, however, I noticed a big difference in my waist and legs last week when I accidentally grabbed a pair of jeans out of my drawer... you know the ones- the jeans in the wayyyy back that are too tight but you keep them around "just in case." Last time I wore them I had to keep yanking them up and the marks from where they were digging into my waist lasted for hours!

I hadn't done laundry so I was down to the bare bones in my closet. I grabbed these jeans not realizing that they were my "too tight" pair and they slipped on easily and fit me perfectly. It wasn't until a few minutes later after wondering why I don't wear these jeans more often that I realized which pair they were!

After doing my measurements today, they confirmed the same. I lost 5 lbs and also 2 inches off my waist and my body fat was down 3%. When comparing my before & after pictures, I could definitely see the most difference around my midsection and thighs.

Needless to say, I am THRILLED with these results, but I am most happy about how strong and fit I feel!

It's been funny because I started round 2 of 80 day Obsession a couple days ago and I was amazed by how easy the phase 1 workouts felt compared to phase 3 that I'm used to. I hadn't even realized there was that much of a difference in the difficulty of the phases!

I am also so grateful for the support from the friends and community that has been there through this program. We really felt like a team and it meant the world to me to be doing this program (virtually) with all of them! I'm so thrilled to be doing around 2 with them again!

If you would like to join us, we would welcome you with open arms! Time to feel our best as summer rolls our way!

Visit and for more info!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :) Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Find your tribe of "all ships rise with the tide"

I go to so many tech/startup events in Pittsburgh because:

1. I LOVE seeing all the awesome, innovative things happening here in Pittsburgh. It’s super exciting to me and makes me prouder than ever of this city. It’s incredible to see so many of these startups also aiming so high for social good. I find it incredibly inspiring and empowering to see the support given to all of these startups.

And 2. Because it never feels like a networking event, it feels like get-togethers with friends! I equate it to walking into a favorite stomping ground in college. You can’t get 10 feet into the place without seeing a friendly face you know. Each time you go, your already-friends introduce you to new-friends. It makes my heart so full and happy!

The vibe in the startup world of this city always seems like an all-ships-rise-with-the-tide attitude. No matter what you’re working on or trying to get off the ground, there are always people to help and support that (and genuinely CARE about your progress, check in with you, and root you on). Going to events like these are literally nourishing to my soul! (and fun)!!

I share my experience to show what a difference it has made in my life and mindset to be surrounded by forward-thinking innovators, people who live their lives very intentionally, and an extended network that lifts each other up. I hope this inspires you to reach out and find more of your tribe that makes you feel lifted up and makes an impact in your life :)

Thank you to all these friends/awesome people who do that for me!!

Visit and for more info!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :) Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

How 80 Day Obsession helped my skiing and gave me an experience of a lifetime!

Despite how this might portray on social media, I am by no means an avid or frequent skier (at least prior to last month). I love being in nature and find the mountains so powerful so I was willing to try any time my friend, Lindsay, invited me on a ski trip. I always ended up having a blast but I still never skied often. 

In fact, prior to March 2018, I had only skied 6 total days in my entire life combined! If you don't believe me, take a closer look at my ski jacket... it's from American Eagle circa 1998ish and I purchased it at Century III mall (South Hills folks will understand the historical significance of that one)!

I'm still learning. I'm still working on my technique. I am slowly but surely building confidence in my skiing abilities and bravery and courage for the steeper terrain. My love for skiing shot to a new level in Vail.

I was pushed out of my comfort zone physically and mentally but it paid off in an incredible way both by the territory in Vail that was opened up to me because of being willing to take on some of the harder slopes, and more importantly, memories that will last a lifetime! The sense of joy for being able to experience nature in such a wondrous way, the sense of accomplishment and pride for being able to tackle such an intense physical and mental challenge, the gratitude for what my body can do, and the awe and amazement for what nature provides for us all made it the experience of a lifetime.

What I found so significant in this experience was that I might not have been able to get/see/do/experience ANY of this had it not been so physically prepped for this!

I wasn't thinking specifically about skiing when I started 80 Day Obsession (nor did I realize at the time how much of a difference it would make), but once I was on the slopes, I was SOOOO grateful that I had had so many tough strength training and endurance workouts for the 2 months leading up it.

Prior to last month, I had never skied more than 1 or 2 days a YEAR so a full week of intense skiing at Vail, some days as much as 30 miles downhill and 21,000 vertical feet skied (literally a level I had never skied at before) REQUIRED me to be at my best to stay safe on the slopes. Because I don't ski regularly, I would have never been able to handle the steep, tough terrain had my muscles and balance not have been inadvertently developed for it.

At one point while we were taking a break mid-run somewhere in the trees of Blue Sky Basin (one of Vail's famous back bowls) I remember catching my breath while my quads were on fire and thinking, "Thank GOODNESS I do a lot of squats!"

We never know what's going to come up in life whether it be a fun experience, a health challenge, or an uneven surface that could throw us off balance. This experience served as SUCH an amazing reminder that we should always do our best to be physically prepared for whatever may come up in life. This will definitely be something I keep in mind in the future each time I do a workout and feeling like quitting or taking it a little easier than I know I'm capable of. Our health is the most important thing but the fun things that come up are where the MAGIC is at!!

Visit and for more info!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :) Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


This week of hotel workouts served as a great reminder of the meaning of the common phrase, "You do you."

After taking last week off from workouts because of skiing (seemed unsafe and crazy to try to do intense strength workouts while skiing new terrain that was very tough for me), I was DETERMINED to get back to 80 Day Obsession this week even though I was traveling again. I made sure my hotel had free weights, brought my 80DO resistance bands with me on the trip, decided I would modify any move that needed floor sliders (either do them without the sliders or use hotel workout towels under my feet), and pull up the workout on the Beachbody On Demand app on my phone (since every single workout in this program is different, I needed to watch it in order to do it- no doing it from memory or workout sheets like I have with other programs in the past).

The flaw in my plan: no matter what time of day I hit the hotel gym, there were ALWAYS people in there. Luckily I had some blue tooth headphones so I could prop my phone up and listen to it privately. I'm not sure I would have had the guts to broadcast it to the entire small gym even though everyone else in there seemed to be wired into their own thing. I've done that before but only with friends who were doing it with me (power in numbers, people) and doing it solo required a little more courage.

The first day I certainly felt a little odd but also simultaneously bold and empowered.

Here's what happened: every single day that I was in there, there were multiple other people in there not doing the standard/expected 20 minutes on the elliptical then maybe a quick bicep workout (no shame in that- I've done "the standard" many times).

There was a 20-something guy in there boldly doing some kind of crazy ninja-style workout doing a series of kicks and punches using light weights, all the while using his breath to increase the force he was throwing out (quite a sight with lots of sound effects). There was a person in there doing a series of alternating sprints and heavy leg presses. There was a woman in there doing her own circuit of moves on the other side of the gym. There was an older gentleman walking on the treadmill while typing on his laptop which was precariously perched on the treadmill screen (a TOTAL kindred spirit from my college days of doing the same thing)!

At any given time, the gym was full of all different types of people doing all types of different things to get to the common goal of HEALTH and FITNESS. On top of everything, everyone was SO COURTEOUS to make space for everyone else, return the weights immediately so they could be used by others, and to be considerate of whatever each person was doing.

Here's what I learned:

*With some modifications and resourcefulness, it is possible to still stay in your workout routine no matter where you are

*It may feel a little weird or funny to do a different type of workout in front of other people (I have been taking at-home workouts SO for granted!), but if it's your thing- do it anyway! You may even be inspiring the strangers around you!

*Intentionally look for the sense of connection among a group of people all working toward a common goal in their own ways. Appreciate and respect the other kindred spirits who are all seeking to better their health!

*Nobody is actually thinking much at all about what you're doing so whatever your thing is, YOU DO YOU!

Visit and for more info!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :) Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Say YES to life!

Last night when we were down at the point for the Regatta and the Smash Mouth concert (what's up, 1999?!), I casually said to my friend, Michelle, "Wouldn't it be cool to watch the concert from up on the ferris wheel?" I said this hypothetically, not for a second thinking we'd be moving from our spot in the crowd (not to mention our earlier conversation about how we all think it's a *little* weird how fast they put those carnival-style rides up). Without missing a beat she said, "That would be cool! Let's do it!" I think my response was something like, "uh, yeah, ok, really? Alright, sure, let's check it out!"

We ultimately ended up deciding against it after seeing the line, but this taught me an important lesson nonetheless. Why go through life robotically when we could be grabbing it by the horns? How many other times have I tossed out ideas off-hand without saying to myself, why NOT do that? How often do those trained patterns kick in that tell us that something is too hard, too inconvenient, or ask us why we should bother?

It is SO important to surround ourselves with the people who will challenge us to GO FOR IT when we have a small whim to do something fun or a big dream in our heart! I admire the people who QUESTION the things that others would just glaze over! We become like the people we surround ourselves with, so I don't know about you, but I will ALWAYS be surrounding myself with the people who SAY YES to life, who know how AMAZING of an experience and opportunity and gift it is, and who are going to APPRECIATE and LIVE UP every moment that life has to offer!!!

Thank you, Michelle, for always reminding me of this!! And to all of the other wonderful people in my life who do this too (if you're reading this, I'm talking to you!)- THANK YOU!! I love you all!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

It's never easy, but it IS possible!

A common misconception is that these workouts are easy for us coaches. Let me tell you, they never get easy- nor should they! Challenging ourselves is what makes us better, faster, stronger, and healthier!

When I started my very first at-home workout program, I put in the DVD, pushed play, and was seriously struggling 5 minutes in! 

I looked at the people on the video and coaches that I knew and assumed it must be so easy for them. I thought that once you got over the initial difficulty of the workouts, it would magically become easy one day. How lucky they must be to be at that point and how easy it must be for them to churn out all of those vertical jumps and push-ups!

The truth is, I DID get stronger in time. I look back over my progress and am amazed by how far I've come.

It did not happen over night and it took consistency with my workouts, challenging myself with one extra rep, pushing through a cardio move a little faster, or picking up a slightly heavier dumbbell. 

It took getting back on track even when I missed a few days or even a few weeks of workouts.

I trained myself how to get back on track when I fell off track. And I trained myself to APPRECIATE my workouts (and I eventually even learned to kind of love them... kind of ;-) ) by constantly reminding myself what this was doing for my health and my life. I began to appreciate all that my body could do for me and realize that it was my biggest cheerleader. 

It didn't feel like it became easy all of a sudden but I do remember all of a sudden realizing how much better I had gotten. I could FEEL the health and vitality re-entering my body. I felt incredible energy. I walked with my shoulders back and head high feeling so STRONG! And I have never looked back :)

It's a long road but it can be made shorter and MUCH more enjoyable by: 
1. Finding a workout program that is the best fit for YOU (not just for your goals, but also something you will enjoy doing- I always say that the best workout program is the one you will actually do)!
2. Getting proper support! I would have never stuck to the workout programs I have done or gotten back on track each time I fell off without the support of the wonderful people in our facebook groups who were also working towards making healthy changes.
3. Learning how to appreciate and love the PROCESS and all that your body can do for you (and already IS doing for you)!!

If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out- I would love to be your support. 

In the meantime, here is a picture of me from my workout today after a 2nd set of floor sprints, head on the floor, trying to mentally gear up for a 3rd round. Use it as a reminder that it is never easy for any of us, but it IS possible. And eventually, it IS possible to love it, even when it's hard. :)

Have a great day, everyone!
Love, Katelyn

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

7 Day Ab Challenge!

Hi everyone! This is a compilation of an ab challenge group I ran on Facebook. I wanted to share the videos here in case any of you were interested in participating as well!

As a reminder, I am not certified to teach workouts so please follow the workout video clips within the videos (I’m just following along with you!) and of course consult with your doctor before starting any workout program.

All of these workout clips you’ll see are from Beachbody workout programs. I posted the links to more info about the programs below each video so if there are any clips that you particularly liked, you can check out the full program!

Additionally, if you’d like to try out all of our workout programs, you can do so by signing up for our club membership (there’s even a free trial!) and accessing Beachbody on Demand, which lets you online stream any of our programs! Check it out here:

If you’re interested in any of our free groups like this ab challenge, you can contact me through my Beachbody page ( or my Facebook page ( We run fun groups like this every month!

Enjoy the ab challenge!


Good morning, everyone! Welcome to Day 1 of our 7 Day Ab Challenge!!

Remember that if on any day you don't want to do the move of the day, you can opt for 100 crunches of your own choosing!

Since our nutrition is just as important when it comes to defining those abs, I'll also be sharing some recipes/tips throughout the week as well!

Without further delay, here is your Day 1 move, forward and backward bicycles from P90X: Ab Ripper X!
More information on P90X:


Today’s move is from PiYo, the Sweat workout (it’s true to its name haha). The move is a combo of some planks and downward dog splits. I’m not very flexible and trust me, mine aren’t pretty- just do the best you can! :)
More information on PiYo:

Since a big part of our physique comes from our nutrition, here’s one of my FAVORITE healthy recipes to make- zucchini pasta with homemade sauce! Much better for our waistlines than regular pasta!!


Today’s move comes from Hammer and Chisel: 10 Minute Ab Hammer workout. They are c-sit taps! I heard a trainer say one time to think of these types of moves as if you’re wringing out your abs like a wet towel- now that’s what I visualize when I’m doing the twisting part of each move (it really helps me get the most out of the move)!!
More information about Hammer and Chisel:

Some healthy eating restaurant tips for you guys:


I’m not going to lie, these side dips from 21 Day Fix Extreme: 10 min Hard Core are TOUGH! It took me almost the whole 21 Day Fix Extreme program to work up to. But it was soooo worth it!! I did this 10 min Hard Core workout every other day while doing 21 Day Fix Extreme and it literally changed my abs-  I had ab muscle definition that I had never before had in my entire life (

Tackle this move with authority and show it who’s boss! You can do it!!!
More information on 21 Day Fix Extreme:

Since today’s move was from 21 Day Fix Extreme, I also want to mention how awesome of a program 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme are for getting your nutrition on track as well. Here is a run-down of what it was like when I did the 21 Day Fix Extreme competition plan. It was a lot of prep work but believe it or not, it wasn’t too bad to stick to. I was basically eating all day long; in fact, some days I had *trouble* getting all of my food servings in (especially all the protein on this particular plan). But if you’re up to the challenge, here’s a summary of the prep work and what it was like mid-way through:


Alright guys, if you thought you escaped Shaun T and his cardio, think again! Here is a 2 minute circuit from Insanity Max 30: Cardio 1! You'll be doing core-tightening jack uppercut, 1-2-3 knee, cross jack, and high knee jabs- 30 sec each! If you really focus on tightening your abs through every move, you'll really be able to tell how much of a workout your core got by then end of the 2 minutes! Have fun!!
More information on Insanity Max 30:

As we head into the weekend, here are some tips to help you to keep from going overboard with food at a party (which by the way, is always hard for me- so this is just as much of a pep talk for me as it is info for all of you!):


This lunge with weight twists comes from what I have to say is my all-time-FAVORITE workout program, ChaLEAN Extreme!!!! And that’s saying something because there are so many beachbody programs I love and get great results from... but this program is top for me (I seriously love it so much!!!). I did it originally in 2012 and have done it probably 6 or so times since then?? It revolutionized the way I look at strength training (it’s all about slow, heavy lifting so I am always able to stay in great form while doing the moves too). You’ll get a taste for the format (and hopefully why I love it!) in this move from Burn Circuit 1:
More information on ChaLEAN Extreme:

My full Chalean Extreme Review:

Our nutrition tip for today is about Shakeology. This is not a shameless plug. I am honestly sharing it because of how much it has helped my nutrition, cravings, weight control, health, and energy over the years. It’s an integral part of keeping my nutrition on track. I describe the benefits I’ve found with it here:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease*

Let’s wrap up this ab challenge with another dose of Tony! This move (sit-up punches) is only 30 seconds but the pace is tough! See if you can keep up! The workout is 22 Minute Hard Corps: Resistance 1. If you haven’t tried 22mHC yet, I think you’ll find it fun and energizing. I like it because I really feel like I’m working out right alongside our troops (and who doesn’t love a program whose workouts are only 22 minutes)?!!
More information about 22 Minute Hard Corps:
Challenge Pack:
Base Package:

I am so proud of you guys for completing this challenge!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope your abs are feeling stronger and you’re feeling healthy, empowered, and energized!! If you have any questions about the programs in this challenge, feel free to ask!

I run groups like this every month on Facebook, so if you have an interest in participating in the real deal and getting all the perks of an awesome group of people rooting you on, reach out to me on Facebook ( or my Beachbody page (!

Again, thank you all for participating! I had so much fun with you guys this week!!!! I hope you all did too!!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.