Saturday, March 4, 2017

It's never easy, but it IS possible!

A common misconception is that these workouts are easy for us coaches. Let me tell you, they never get easy- nor should they! Challenging ourselves is what makes us better, faster, stronger, and healthier!

When I started my very first at-home workout program, I put in the DVD, pushed play, and was seriously struggling 5 minutes in! 

I looked at the people on the video and coaches that I knew and assumed it must be so easy for them. I thought that once you got over the initial difficulty of the workouts, it would magically become easy one day. How lucky they must be to be at that point and how easy it must be for them to churn out all of those vertical jumps and push-ups!

The truth is, I DID get stronger in time. I look back over my progress and am amazed by how far I've come.

It did not happen over night and it took consistency with my workouts, challenging myself with one extra rep, pushing through a cardio move a little faster, or picking up a slightly heavier dumbbell. 

It took getting back on track even when I missed a few days or even a few weeks of workouts.

I trained myself how to get back on track when I fell off track. And I trained myself to APPRECIATE my workouts (and I eventually even learned to kind of love them... kind of ;-) ) by constantly reminding myself what this was doing for my health and my life. I began to appreciate all that my body could do for me and realize that it was my biggest cheerleader. 

It didn't feel like it became easy all of a sudden but I do remember all of a sudden realizing how much better I had gotten. I could FEEL the health and vitality re-entering my body. I felt incredible energy. I walked with my shoulders back and head high feeling so STRONG! And I have never looked back :)

It's a long road but it can be made shorter and MUCH more enjoyable by: 
1. Finding a workout program that is the best fit for YOU (not just for your goals, but also something you will enjoy doing- I always say that the best workout program is the one you will actually do)!
2. Getting proper support! I would have never stuck to the workout programs I have done or gotten back on track each time I fell off without the support of the wonderful people in our facebook groups who were also working towards making healthy changes.
3. Learning how to appreciate and love the PROCESS and all that your body can do for you (and already IS doing for you)!!

If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out- I would love to be your support. 

In the meantime, here is a picture of me from my workout today after a 2nd set of floor sprints, head on the floor, trying to mentally gear up for a 3rd round. Use it as a reminder that it is never easy for any of us, but it IS possible. And eventually, it IS possible to love it, even when it's hard. :)

Have a great day, everyone!
Love, Katelyn

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this weight loss ideas, weight loss is life just like like health is wealth
    Healthcare and Fitness Ideas
