Sunday, January 24, 2016

What’s a “beach body”?

While I LOVE working for Beachbody, the term “beachbody” is such a small portion of what we actually do. We help people CREATE bodies that they feel good in everyDAY! These are feel-good-in-your-jeans bodies, jumping-into-the-center-of-the-dance-floor bodies, confident-at-the-work-meeting bodies, stronger-healthier-energized bodies, loving-and-embracing yourself bodies, chase-after-your-kids bodies, and empowered-while-walking-down-the-street bodies!! And a HUGE part of that goes WAY BEYOND physical appearance!! What I love most about what we do is that we work together as a TEAM! My clients inspire ME as much (if not more!) as I inspire THEM! We create the habits and motivations to KNOW that even though life gets in the way sometimes (as it always inevitably does!) that we can get back on track and we can do it TOGETHER and have FUN while doing it! This is not about being perfect; these are healthy LIFESTYLE changes. And that INCLUDES dealing with things that may be stressing us out or keeping us stuck. We work through our fears and blocks together and take slow and steady steps towards improving our whole lives! And WITH THAT comes the confidence, the empowerment, and the belief to know that we can do ANYTHING! Feeling great at the beach is an awesome bonus, but it’s the rest of this that creates and incredible LIFE!!!!!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Embracing anxiety out of a desire to FEEL

I woke up this morning with a surprisingly high level of anxiety with no apparent cause. I've had my fair share of stressors lately, as we all do, but nothing abnormally out of the blue. There's a lot of things I could try to blame this on or try to work through in an effort to "rid" myself of it. I tried to just sit with it and let it pass, which I like doing, but I was having trouble shutting my brain off so as not to attach meaning to it (which of course keeps it stuck there). But then I came to the realization that I always eventually do... the one that is always able to bring me some peace no matter what I'm feeling. I CHOOSE to feel. I WANT to feel. I want to feel life in all it's "good" and "bad" glory. I'll take pain and sadness if I know it means it also brings me love, bliss, and joy. I KNOW how much I learn and expand in those emotions that we deem "bad" or "negative". I APPRECIATE sadness knowing that I allowed myself to really care about something or someone. I APPRECIATE anxiety for it teaches me to course-correct to paths that are more aligned with my truth and needs and it teaches me to build my faith so as to be able to feel peace. I APPRECIATE any negative emotions that allow the good ones to feel even better. I will ALWAYS be someone who wants to feel. I know I would have picked this coming into this life. I have never wanted to go through life numb... I want to feel ALIVE! I want to experience life and emotions in all of their forms! I want to know fear, sadness, and pain so I can know love, bliss, and excitement! I believe THAT's what we're here for- to FEEL! To experience! That doesn't mean there's a right or wrong way to this life, but it does mean that I ACCEPT MYSELF as I am. I believe that joy, bliss, excitement, and love can only be felt FULLY when our walls are completely obliterated! I am WILLING to lovingly feel fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy, sadness, pain, or anything else that wants to come up because I REFUSE to have walls up to ANYTHING! And I am learning to believe that ALL of these feelings have their own raw beauty to them. There is love and joy that can be found in all of them. A humanness. I believe suffering happens when we are in resistance to those feelings, or at least that is what my experience has taught me. I now find excitement when these emotions come up- the ones I used to resist- because I know it means I am learning, growing, releasing, or expanding in some way that leads to more good in my life and experience. As for the walls, I will have none. I am just me. And I am completely, totally, inspiringly ok with that. MORE than ok with that. I am in love with that. Bring it on!! I am ready for you, life, in all your glory and experience! I love life and I am willing to love it all!!!
This picture is from a calendar that my incredible friend, Alisa, made for me. The quote seemed especially appropriate and empowering today :)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Coach Sneak Peek groups!

Hello all! Ever wondered what I do as a coach (the behind-the-scenes, the day-to-day, how I get paid, etc)? I hope you know by now that I am a no-pressure kind of person so I wanted to open up a chance for you to get to see what really goes on with this business (but without feeling like you're going to get pressured into anything)! Our team has a 5 Day Coach Sneak Peek group on Facebook starting this coming Monday, Jan 25, so join us next week for a look at what we do (if you are seeing this at a later date, don’t worry- we run these every month)! If you decide that online health/fitness/motivation coaching is something you might like to do, awesome! Anyone can do it and you don't need any special type of certification. If you join us for this group and decide it's not for you, that's A-ok too!

Coaching has honestly been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done- I feel like I get to help people in some small way every day and live my passion as my full-time job (although it's something you can easily do on the side too, which is how I started)!

I wanted to make sure that nobody I know is missing out on the opportunity to do something they might really love for fear of asking about it, worrying it's going to be a pushy thing, or not really understanding what it is. So that's why we created this group!! If you're interested, please let me know- we'd love to have you!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Juicing vs Shakeology

I wrote this post on my health and fitness page ( back in October of 2013 but I’ve had a lot of people asking me about this topic lately, so I decided to repost it on my blog! Here’s my update: I rarely make my green juice anymore- it became too time-consuming and costly and I had a tough time keeping up with it the process of going to the grocery store every 4-5 days, cleaning my veggies immediately (so I’d be more likely to make my juice) and using them all before they went bad. I still enjoy it when I do but I’m more likely to pay a premium for the convenience of buying it from time to time at a local cafe’ (which isn’t cheap- my favorite “clean green” juice is $11 per glass)! So Shakeology is even more of a hands-down winner these days (especially at about $4 per glass)!! If you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, you can check it out here: OR, I recommend going with this Beachbody on Demand Challenge pack for $10 more ( which also gives you 3 months of access to our online streaming workout programs, which lets you try out any of the fitness programs in our collection!

My original post:

GREEN JUICE VS. SHAKEOLOGY. This is long but I get a LOT of questions on this so I tried to spell out all the details and things to consider.

One of the most common things I get asked about is how Shakeology compares to juicing (or other do-it-yourself versions). It’s actually the only thing I’ll ever use to make a direct comparison with shakeology because it’s the only thing I know does not contain any artificial ingredients b/c you’re in control of what goes into your blender (assuming you’re buying organic).

If you’ve been following my recent posts, you know that I’m now doing both. I’ve been making green juice each week to drink in the mornings and still drinking my shakeology every afternoon. So, as for the most important thing (HEALTH!) I think both drinks have an extraordinary amount of value. I think the shakeology is more complete- it has such a wide variety of plants, roots, fruits, PLUS pre- and pro-biotics; it’s paired to help give you the best absorption of all of the nutrients; the ingredients come from all over the world and are included in shakeology because they’re known to have incredible anti-inflammatory/anti-cancer/cholesterol lowering properties (and more!), they’re also known to have such a dense concentration of nutrients and are grown in soil that I believe to be more nutrient-rich than what we have here; etc. But I think variety is good for you (which is why I wanted to give the green juice a try), they both taste delicious, and they’ve become an important part of my day and wellness routine.

So anyways, in the big picture, I think they’re both FANTASTIC, but I’ll break down some of the other logistics involved (a lot of which I didn’t know until trying it out myself) just to give you an idea of the pros and cons of both.

- HEALTH PERKS. I have KNOWN experience of the incredible benefits of shakeology. I have customers whose blood sugars have been reduced, my own personal cholesterol was drastically reduced in the first 4 months I was on it (watch this video here or check out the picture section of for my results), weight loss, increased energy, etc. But I also don’t think anyone is going to argue that drinking a green juice full of leafy greens, veggies, lemon, and apple wouldn’t be extraordinarily beneficial to your health as well.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease*

- CONVENIENCE. Shakeology is the hands-down winner here. Dear God, that green juice is a pain in the butt. It requires me going to the grocery store every week (and not just any grocery store- a store that has all my ingredients in organic form) AND it was a 2+ hour project until I invested mucho dinero $$$ into a top-of-the-line Vitamix blender and even then there’s still a lot of prep time (washing and cutting veggies) and clean-up time. Shakeology is super easy to make: powder + liquid (usually I just use water), mix in a glass and drink. It’s easy to travel with (we even have individual serving-size packets). I can make it at work without annoying the crap out of my coworkers (literally got yelled at when I turned my Vitamix on at work yesterday- had to take it into the lab haha)

- TASTE. Both are great (granted, I do think my green juice tastes like a lemony flavored salad, but I find it extremely refreshing for some reason). If you don’t like either of them, pinch your nose and choke it down anyway b/c you know it’s good for you wink emoticon

- COST. We all know the price tag on shakeology can be a little bit of a shocker at first ($130 for 30 meals/servings). I’ve used it long enough to know it is worth every penny and more but still, I can understand why people gasp a little when they think of paying all that money at once. However, the good news is that it actually breaks down to ~$4 per shake, which isn’t too bad, and we frequently have sales/discounts if purchased with one of our workout programs, which makes it much more justifiable. BUT, if you think that’s bad, wait until I tell you how much I’ve spent on my green juice over the past 2 wks. Here’s the breakdown:
- $60.50 at Whole Foods last week and $66.20 at Giant Eagle this week and this was only enough for my WORK-week (about 5 shakes- not every day). That means I’ll be averaging about $250 per month just in ingredients. And remember, I’m not adding flax, chia, protein powder, or any other supplements. There’s also the risk of wasted money if your produce goes bad before you can use it
- $427.99 on my Vitamix blender (and that includes a 20% off coupon). Yes, I know this is exorbitant, but trust me, it only takes one time of fighting with a normal blender for hours to purée your kale and you can see the value in a blender of this quality. I knew that either my blender would break or I would be too frustrated to ever actually make it because realistically, how often do we have a 2+ hour chunk of time that we can dedicate to shake making??
- Not to mention the value of my time in making these shakes, trips to the grocery store, etc (and we all know our time is valuable, right?!)

So all in all, based on cost and convenience, if I had to pick one, my winner would without a doubt be shakeology. I love it. And I’m so grateful for finding it (I know that sounds weird, but it’s true). But I also enjoy my green juice too! I like the feeling of making something so healthful myself and like I said, it’s already become an important part of my wellness routine. The bottom line is that healthy foods aren’t always cheap. But I can’t think of a better thing to spend your money on than an investment in your long-term health and happiness and quality of LIFE!! Whatever you choose (and remember- you don’t have to choose! or you can mix it up! whatever is best for YOU!), CHEERS TO GOOD HEALTH!!!!

Bottoms up, friends!!!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease*

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Fancy, healthy, delicious recipe: lemon garlic broccoli with bacon and scallops

I try new healthy recipes fairly often but now that I’m a full-time online health and fitness coach (meaning I work from home) AND the weather and Pittsburgh is getting colder, I wanted a way to ensure I had a reason to get my butt to the grocery store every week (last winter was freezing so it was hard to motivate myself to leave my house for non-essential errands… like getting food haha). So… one of my New Year's resolutions was to try a new healthy recipe at least once every 2 weeks! The recipe I picked out this week was from my Inspiralized cookbook by Ali Maffucci: lemon garlic broccoli with bacon. And since I’ve always wanted to learn how to make my own seared scallops and they seemed like a great accompaniment for my broccoli, I decided to make those too!

My definition of what I consider to be healthy foods has changed and evolved throughout the years based on the latest research as well as how my body responds to certain foods and the needs of my lifestyle. I used a lot of healthy fats in this recipe (yes, including butter, which I spent majority of my life avoiding!) and bacon. I am super careful that anytime I am eating healthy fats/meats like this, I buy the REALLY high-quality versions (meats and butter that come from grass-fed, hormone-free organically-raised animals; the bacon is organic and nitrate free as well; any oils I use are all organic). But if your definition of “healthy” varies from this, you can easily omit the meat and replace the butter with olive oil.

One of the things that I LOVED about the broccoli recipe was that it also showed me how to use the stems, which I normally throw away even though I hate wasting them! I used my Vegetti to turn the long broccoli stems into “broccoli pasta.” For tips on how to use a veggie spiralizer, you can watch my demo of zucchini pasta here:

For the broccoli dish:
I chopped up the broccoli (3 large heads) and spiralized the stems. Meanwhile, I brought a saucepan (about half full of water with some Himalayan sea salt added) to a boil. I added the broccoli to the boiling water and cooked until tender. The next time I make this recipe, I will use a steamer instead. I like the texture of steamed veggies better (plus you preserve more of the nutrients)!

While the broccoli was cooking, I used a skillet to start cook the bacon (about 8 pieces cooked in olive oil for a few minutes on each side, until desired crispness). I removed the bacon from the skillet once cooked and set it on a paper towel-lined plate off to the side. I drained some of the excess oil from the skillet but didn’t clean it (I figured the remaining oil and bacon grease combo would give the dish some extra flavor and it did)!

Next step was to add the cooked and drained broccoli to the skillet over medium heat, along with some Himalayan sea salt and pepper, about 4 cloves of minced garlic, and the juice from 1 small lemon. When the broccoli mixture was cooked to desired texture (about 5 minutes), I added in the bacon (cut or ripped into small pieces) for another minute or so.

Voila’! I rarely measure things when I cook (hence the lack of exact specifications in this recipe) but I promise this recipe is super flexible and can be adjusted for your own tastes. Exact measurements not necessary :)

For the scallops:

I have always been told scallops are really easy to make- they were BEYOND easy. Makes me question why I pay so much for them in restaurants haha! I got fresh, never-frozen, wild caught scallops from Whole Foods- they were unbelievably delicious.

To cook them, I used the same pan the broccoli and bacon had been in for extra flavor (although honestly I think the majority of the flavor comes from the butter the scallops are cooked in). Even though the pan had some remaining oils from the broccoli and bacon dish, I melted some grass-fed butter in the pan- enough to coat it. I spread out the scallops in the pan and then added a small pat of butter on top of each scallop (recommendation from a friend). When I could tell the bottoms were getting crispy, I flipped them over (the pat of butter goes with it and the other side cooks in that). Again, no exact specifications. I think I had it on medium-high heat and cooked for about 2 minutes on each side. I could tell when they were ready by pressing down on them with the spatula- I was able to notice when they started to firm up.

I’m so glad I made the broccoli dish and scallops together- it was a great combination meal! Cheers to the first new recipes of the year! I hope you enjoy!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

How to change the default thumbnail on a blog link when posting into Facebook

Hi everyone! This particular message is for anyone who has a blog (specifically through blogger) and is frequently posting links to their blog on other social media sites like Facebook. The default thumbnail that shows up when you copy a link to one of your blog posts into facebook is typically the first picture of your blog post, however, you may not necessarily WANT this to be the thumbnail that shows up. So I made a video to describe the process of how to change the html code of your blog to get Facebook to recognize a different image in your blog post as the default thumbnail. You can set this for as many of your posts as you want. The process is described in the video below and then I have some associated pictures, links, and coding that you will need to use below that (each of these is explained in the video). Hope this helps!

Screenshot of my coding which is in the header section of my html code of my blog template:

Code that you will need to copy:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;;'>
<meta content='' property='og:image'/>

Copy this code word for word- every symbol is important! You will need to replace in the code with the link to your specific blog post and with the link to the image that you want to be the thumbnail that shows up when pasting the link to your blog post in social media. The link to the image can be found in the blogger editor of that specific post as described in the video tutorial.

Debugger used to test your links and check for which picture is showing up as the open graph image:

Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, January 8, 2016

How a "Treat-free Challenge" Facebook group HUGELY helped me during the holidays and beyond!!!!!

When my team decided to do a 10 Day Treat-Free challenge leading up to the holidays, we were all a bit nervous about it!! We weren’t sure if or how we’d be able to stick with it! But we rallied together all our best strategies and more importantly, we rallied together as a TEAM (both coaches and our clients)! We created a Facebook group and all shared progress, tips, things we were struggling with, and daily successes in the group. It was SO FULL OF INCREDIBLE ENCOURAGEMENT!! We tackled treat temptations at the office, holiday parties, and social events head-on!

Even us coaches were nervous for this! :)
The rules weren’t necessarily that you HAD to go treat-free for the full 10 days, but we had everyone at the beginning of the group state what their own rules for themselves were going to be for the full 10 days. My rule was that I was going to avoid any desserts, junk food, and alcohol for the full 10 days. To be perfectly honest with you all, I didn’t do it! I did manage to avoid all junk food and desserts (including some of the snacks available at my friends’ house when I went to visit them on the other side of the state)! But I indulged in a glass of wine while out to dinner with them, then later in the weekend on my trip, we went out for a night on the town with their friends and I had some drinks that night too.

Did I accomplish my initial goal? No. But I did WAYYYYY better than I would have had I not had this group and this challenge. And honestly, the group somehow managed to make it FUN!!! It felt like playing video games with a bunch of friends as kids! We all had a common “enemy,” we shared tips and strategies, we rooted each other on, we picked each other up when temporarily defeated, and we celebrated all of our wins together!

The even MORE phenomenal result was that by the end of the 10 days, it almost had become second nature to avoid treats! The sugar and addictive food substances were out of my system and I wasn’t craving any of it! The group ended the day before Christmas Eve but I went into the holidays with a TON of momentum and did not go overboard at all during Christmas! In fact, even a week after the holidays, I felt GREAT (this picture was taken on December 29)!! I felt healthy, energized, strong, motivated to stick with my workouts and good nutrition, and was able to continue my momentum into the new year (WAY beyond the initial challenge)! What a way to dive into the new year!!

If you’re interested in doing anything like this with us, please contact me!! Our team runs challenges and groups like this every month so there are always ways to get involved!! We’d love to have you on the TEAM!!

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hammer and Chisel Review!!

I’ve started to write this review of Hammer and Chisel several times and each time, I had to revise based on a new workout I did and a new impression of the program that I got! I’m 2 weeks into the program and haven’t even gotten to all the workouts yet! With 15 different workouts in this 8-week program, there is a TON of variety. Half the workouts are taught by Sagi Kalev (creator of the Body Beast program); half are taught by Autumn Calabrese (creator of 21 Day Fix). Most of the workouts are total-body workouts, but all in very different styles. I love that most of the workouts use weights- strength training is very effective for leaning out my body and they plyo and cardio workouts are more effective because the weights make the moves more challenging. A lot of the workouts go by reps (rather than timed duration of the exercise) which I like because psychologically the workout passes more quickly for me.

Equipment needed:
Weights, pull-up bar, bench, and resistance band. I don’t have a bench so depending on the exercise, I used either a stability ball, a chair, a step stool, or the floor modification as shown in the workout videos. I don’t have a pull-up bar, but rigged up some resistance bands over my door hooks to create a lat pull-down.

What’s included:
Here’s my  friend and fellow coach, Alyx, unboxing her Hammer and Chisel program and explaining what all comes with it: . She got the deluxe edition; I only got the base edition (but she explains the differences in each package).

Schedule and workout times:
If you’re like me and like to know what you’re getting yourself into, here’s the schedule of all of the workouts and the duration of each one! No workout is repeated more than 5 times; most are only 3-4 times in the whole 8 weeks. Like I said, tons of variety!


My results so far:
I started this program mid-December and was determined to stick with it through the holidays. I’m so glad I did!! I felt great through the holidays despite indulging in bigger family meals. The tough workout each morning really set the tone for each day- I felt stronger and more energized and it helped motivate me to keep my nutrition in check (relatively speaking, given that it was the holidays). I actually felt better AFTER the holidays than I did going into it! Thank you, Autumn and Sagi!!! I’m really looking forward to seeing where my results are after the 8 weeks!

Workout previews:
I recorded clips of some of the workouts and posted my individual review of each:

First Hammer and Chisel preview workout in the books! Workout was fast and effective and I loved the format!! Each move was broken down into 3 stopping points for 10 reps then an additional 10 reps at a fast pace. I also really liked the warm-up with the bands (lower left)- the stretch felt great!!

Hammer and Chisel preview #2! Today's workout was a slightly different format. Each round was 10 reps of 3 different exercises, cycled through 3 times. There were 3 rounds total in the workout. Felt so good to be back to some lifting! I love challenging myself with heavier weights- my heart was pounding!! I can't wait for this program to come out in December!!!

With 15 different workouts and each workout being a different format, every day is a surprise with Hammer and Chisel! I loved the format of Iso Strength Chisel. I kept thinking each move would be easy but by the end of the 10 reps - hold for 10 seconds - 10 reps -hold for 10 seconds - 10 reps - hold for 10 seconds pattern, I was dying!! These Bulgarian squats had my butt on fire haha!!

Super proud moment for me during my workout- somewhere in the midst of Chisel Cardio, I realized that despite it being a tough workout, I was able to do every move! Moves that involve lower body have always been my strong point- those feel even more kicka$$ now. Moves that involve my upper body that I used to struggle with, I now feel really confident with (these sword pulls may look easy but I was never able to do moves like that for long without my shoulders fatiguing)! And moves like this plank/oblique kick that I used to dread because they were so challenging, I'm now ready to tackle head-on for the full minute! Overall, it makes the workout a lot more enjoyable- it took a lot of work but I feel ready to tackle just about anything in a workout now. And that realization of the mental and physical shift made me really excited!
As we approach the end of the year, it's a great time for us all to focus on the progress we've made and to get excited about the things that we used to struggle with that we now feel incredibly confident in handling (like a boss)!! Merry Christmas and happy new year, all!

How to buy:
Hammer and Chisel Challenge Pack (also comes with a full supply of Shakeology, free shipping, and a month free of Beachbody on Demand where you can stream any of our workout programs):

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.