Friday, November 20, 2015

Fear-releasing workshop and lantern release!

About a week and a half ago, on a Sunday evening, I held a Fear-releasing Workshop at my home. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now- I felt compelled to teach what ends up coming up with a lot of my coaching clients on a bigger level- but it took me a while to finally get around to setting the date. The funny reason why I finally did was that I saw that a friend was planning on having a paper lantern release at her wedding (I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do one!) and I figured having a fear-releasing workshop would be the perfect reason! At the end of the workshop, we wrote either fears we wanted to release or intentions we wanted to set on the lanterns and set them off into the world!

I’ve been wanting to write about this and couldn’t find the words to encapsulate how I felt having these women show up with open hearts and eager to expand their awareness. We talked about our backgrounds, the fears and stories that hold us back, and 5 different strategies for overcoming fears or processing difficult emotions.

To give you a sample, one of the things that kept coming up in our fear-releasing workshop was the limiting belief that we need to worry about the important things in our lives in order to adequately plan/prepare (ex: if we don't worry about finances, we are being irresponsible or not properly preparing for the future). The truth is that our worrying gives us no control over the outcome. You can still do the things to plan/prepare but there's a HUGE difference between doing them with or without worry. The worry makes us no more likely to thwart whatever it is we're trying to prevent. Instead, it drains us of precious emotional energy. So we focused on replacing those worry thoughts with thoughts about what's going RIGHT in our lives!

If you are interested in hearing more of what we talked about, the workshop was recorded in 3 parts, which I posted below:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

So many of the women shared that one of their biggest take-aways was knowing that they’re not alone. How important of a message is that for all of us?? In the midst of a struggle, we tend to think we’re the only one who feels this way (or sometimes has EVER felt this way). It’s so important to remember that not only are their others who feel the same way or have gone through the same things, they are willing to walk with us in our journey. THAT is powerful.

I am so so SO grateful to this amazing group of women who joined in my Fear-releasing Workshop last week! There is truly magic that happens when a group of strong, open, beautiful souls come together to support and encourage each other!!!

The lantern release was a big part of why I wanted to do the workshop in the first place haha! The lanterns were WAY harder to light than I expected but the EXPERIENCE didn't disappoint!! Cheers to the wonderful women who braved the cold and the winds on the Hot Metal Bridge to cast away our fears and release our intentions into the universe!!!


My friend, Sam, was recording some of the lanterns releasing and magically caught what we think might have been a shooting star in the video! So cool!!

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