Monday, November 30, 2015

Are Beachbody workouts the only workouts you do? My fully transparent workout plan

Are Beachbody workouts the only workouts you do?
My fully transparent workout plan:

I had a client ask me recently if Beachbody workouts are the only workouts I do. YES! They absolutely work and I've stayed in shape, created a lot more strength and muscle tone, and lost weight using the Beachbody workout programs as my primary programs for the past 3.5 years! (full progress and transformation here: I love being active so I occasionally throw in other workouts but I can promise you that I'm not posting about Beachbody workouts then doing some other hardcore training program behind the scenes. The Beachbody programs ARE my hardcore training program! :)

The funny thing is, I actually post MORE about the other things I do. I assume it would be boring to post about my Beachbody workout everyday when I'm following a workout calendar, but the other stuff gives me a reason to post-brag like, "look at me! I'm being a good coach and being active!" haha. So I can pretty much guarantee that anything I've done other than BB programs has been publicly displayed here on FB for all of you to see. But in case you missed it, here's the official list for the record.

Other things I do:
- Runs. Never more than once a week. And even that has only been recently. Prior to that, I went about a year with no more than 2-3 runs total due to some running overuse injuries
- Walks. Lots when the weather is nice (that's where I listen to a ton of personal development or clear my mind!) but when the weather gets cold, hate to say it, but hardly at all
- Yoga, dance, fitness classes. I still love a good class- especially when it's something fun or different! Yoga makes me feel at peace, dance connects me to my soul, and I have fun trying other new/different classes. But it's rare that my schedule allows for more than 1-2 of these a month
So there you have it! My fully transparent workout plan! Oh, and one other thing I forgot to mention- I also have a little of Kanye's workout plan on my ipod ;) "that's right, put in work, move your a$$, go berserk" Who else likes to work out to that song haha??

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

1 comment:

  1. Get fit Loose fat Gain muscles Improve health
    Improve cardiorespiratory fitness just get fit.
