Sunday, November 22, 2015

Your inherent worth unrelated to the number on the scale or your reflection in the mirror!

I care far less about the number on the scale than I do about how you FEEL about yourself. I want you to love yourself so radically that you see only the beauty of your inherent perfection when you look in the mirror. I care about what you eat ONLY because I know that good-feeling thoughts come from physically feeling good, from nourishing our bodies, from health and vitality and ENERGY! I want you to feel so good about who you are that it transcends any self-doubt that used to be produced by a number on the scale or the way your clothes fit. **I want you to look in the mirror and EFFORTLESSLY cherish the person staring back at you.** Your worth will NEVER be defined by any trite physical attribute. There is so much of a bigger picture than that!!!! Do you know who you are?? Do you know that you MATTER to the world?? Do you know that you are wholly loveable right here, right now?? Start NOTICING the things about you that are so special! Start NOTICING what you like about yourself! Start NOTICING the good you are doing in the world, the way you make other people feel when they are around you, and the further ways you can let your light and love shine! When you really FEEL that, through and through, to the very core of your being, it will just stop MATTERING to you what anyone else may think. You will naturally begin to attract into your life people who know their worth and see yours. True soul connections. Awareness. Belief in yourself and the greater good. The little things that used to plague your inner dialogue begin to fade away. And in that, you give others PERMISSION to do the same!! You empower those around you. EVERYONE begins to feel relief, to feel better about themselves, and to realize their inherent worth!!
No makeup, just a hoodie, nothing fancy- still worthy!
Love and light to all of you!!

What comes with that is NATURALLY feeling better physically, more health, more vitality, FEELING the life force pulsing through your veins with every heartbeat!! How can the small day-to-day worries about a few pounds or your most recent meal or your jeans EVER compare to that?? I know those thoughts come up! You are not wrong or bad for thinking them! I just ask that you REMIND yourself of the bigger picture!! Because in the bigger picture, you ALWAYS matter, and you are ALWAYS good enough, and you are ALWAYS pure love!! Get to that place and share that love with others!!! And feel good along the way KNOWING that you matter!! You make a difference!!! You are INCREDIBLE!!!!

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