Wednesday, November 25, 2015

10 Minute Trainer While I Work

This is my current workspace right now. I've been crunching through some serious work over the last couple days and a big chunk of that has been organizing and backing up computer files (I'm super OCD about this stuff, so naturally all files get backed up to DVD, external hard drive, and the original memory card as you can see by the piles on the floor). A lot of focused work time at the computer means MAJOR need for breaks to get the blood flowing and give my eyes a rest! SO... the solution is to leave Beachbody on Demand loaded on my other computer with 10 Minute Trainer ready to go. My room is small so I basically just turn around in my desk chair any time I need a break or while I'm waiting for files to copy, throw on my shoes, and hit play! Despite majority of my floor space being currently taken up by DVDs and other filing/organizational tools, I've been able to manage! 10 Minute Trainer workouts do not actually require much workout space.

If you want to get in on some 10 Minute Trainer action, it's part of our holiday sale going on now: (if you're looking at this blog post after the holiday sale is over on Dec 1, it can be found here: or on Beachbody On Demand:

It's been a good, quick way to get up and move AND the workouts are tough so they definitely add up! A few of these and man, I've got my workout in for the day!! So if you like efficiency and taking advantage of those small chunks of time throughout the day, this might be right up your alley. Either way, getting up and moving while doing long stretches of computer work makes me feel a LOT better! At my old job, I used to take breaks from my desk by running the stairs in our office building but I don't have stairs at my apartment-- this is definitely the fix for that!! #whatevergetsthejobdone

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