Friday, January 23, 2015

Some of my philosophies as a coach (and a person)

Some of my philosophies as a coach (and a person):

1. For well-being: slow and steady long-term, sustainable lifestyle changes in relation to health, how we move our bodies, our thoughts, what we're grateful for, our awareness. Be in a state of allowing. Be gentle on ourselves. Practice self-love and acceptance.

2. I take a low-pressure approach to my coaching. I ALWAYS want to be able to help anyone I can in even the smallest ways. Not that you aren't capable of change yourself, but it's always easier with support (and more fun!). I don't want anyone to ever feel afraid to talk to me or worry that I'm going to "push" something on them (and if I ever come across that way, feel free to yell at me!). While I do get excited, I never want to push you (or anyone) into anything that is not in alignment with your current needs or wants or that you're not ready for. The focus should always be on improvement, one step at a time

3. My main goal is to leave everyone I come in contact with better in some way and to use every experience to better myself and to raise my level of awareness and compassion. We create our best life by taking what we perceive as "good" and "wanted" as well as the circumstances that come into our life that we perceive as "bad" and "unwanted" and using it all for our greater good and the good of those around us. So in my mind, doing things to help myself and those around me feel refreshed, lighter, more connected to their joy, more aligneed with their true selves (and do the same for myself) is all I really care about. *Connection. *Authenticity. *Alignment. *Support. That's what it's all about. Raising the consciousness of the world with our own thoughts, actions, and energy.

Break the rules. Be fearless. Live your authentic truth. Be your authentic self.

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My theme for 2015, How I want to FEEL

I started this practice back in November of 2014 and I've already been seeing the wonderful effects of this. I wrote out a statement about how I want to FEEL (I actually wrote a few versions of this). I have it in the front of my binder and I read it regularly. It immediately makes me feel reassured and at ease. The first paragraph on this page is one of the versions:

When I originally wrote this statement, I had trouble saying "I *am* someone who trusts the universe completely." I know affirmations are "supposed" to be written in the present tense but if something doesn't resonate as truth to me, I scrap it and rephrase it to be something more believable. But the interesting part is, the more I read this, the more I really feel like I AM someone who trusts the universe completely and doesn't get hung up on disappointments, and smiles knowing they are all part of the plan. If I can see these kind of changes in 2 months of this practice, I can only imagine what an entire year can do!

I made a video explaining more about this process with examples of other things I wrote. There are 2 parts (my memory card maxed out during the first one). I hope these are helpful! Here's to 2015 being an incredible year full of things more amazing than we ever could have conceived of!!! 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Happy 2015!!