Monday, June 29, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Final Review!! Weight lost, before and after pics, tips, and recommendations :)

I wrote up my mid-way review originally (you can find it here: That post contains majority of my explanation about the program itself. This post includes my results and final take-aways and tips. Sorry it took me so long to finally get this review up! Hope you enjoy! Please contact me if you have any questions!!

JEANS success!!

I had a HUGE success towards the beginning of week 3. I went out and was super excited because I was actually able to wear these jeans that I LOVE but are super tight. So I have to be in really great shape to wear them or I end up having to yank them up the whole night! I knew my legs, thighs, hips, and waist were tightening up and leaning down with this program because my normal day-to-day clothes (i.e. yoga pants) were fitting much looser. But it wasn’t until I tried on these jeans that I really realized how much of a difference this program was making!!

During the 3 wks of this program, I did the 10 Minute Hardcore workout every other day (in addition to the workout on the schedule for that day). I think that made a huge difference in tightening up my core. All of the workouts challenge the core but this workout definitely gave me that extra push. I could feel SUCH a difference in my abs by the time I was even halfway through the program!

Pilates workout/resistance band update:
Something amazing happened to me. I did 21 Day Fix Extreme's Pilates workout and didn't despise it!!!! This is HUGE progress for me!!! I added what I was saying about it in our facebook group a few wks ago in the pic below so you can get an idea of where I was coming from. My friends can tell you that I recently declared this particular workout to be my most disliked workout of all time (other 21DFX workouts are fine, just the pilates one I hated). BUT, low and behold, this is week 3 so my 3rd and final time doing it, and I actually felt extremely empowered!! I can tell my core is getting so much stronger because I felt completely solid and balanced in all the ab exercises and I guess that gave me the confidence to actually attempt the bird-dog AND the superman at the end!!!! Prior to this week, I COULDN'T EVEN GET INTO POSITION for the superman!! And every time I tried, I would get angry and end up swearing at the band and Autumn haha. This time I sort of flopped into position, pushed my legs back and somehow maneuvered my hands into place so I could push them forward. And I did it!!!!!! Photo evidence below. So I still don't love this workout, however, I was pretty thrilled with my progress today. Maybe I was just extra motivated because I knew it was the last time ever in my life I HAD to do it. Take that, pilates. Take that, resistance band. BOOM! And thank you, Autumn. :)

Tip about resistance band:
For the poses where I was on my hands and knees, I slipped the handle around my wrist instead of trying to hold the band with the hand that was on the floor. It’s not super comfortable but I felt like I had more stability with that hand being flat on the ground.

Money I’ve saved while on 21 Day Fix Extreme:
I have not at ALL felt like I’ve missed out on any social events because of the Fix. I was, however, more careful about what I ordered (or didn’t order) while out. My friends and family knew I was doing this program so they were very accommodating and did not pressure me to “cheat”. Here’s a list of all of the social things I did during the 3 weeks of 21 Day Fix Extreme. These are all places I have been to before or frequent often so I can tell you exactly how much I would have spent had I not been on this program.

The going away party at Mario’s/Acacia, Eat N Park with my family, Pamela’s with a friend, and Kiku Japanese restaurant I wrote about in my previous blog.
New social events included:
- Wedding dress shopping with a friend. They went to lunch after. I skipped lunch but didn’t feel like I missed out because I was there for the important part… when she said yes to the dress!
- Surprise engagement party for a friend at Dish Osteria. This was later in the night so I would not have gotten food. I would, however, have gotten at least one glass of wine. Probably 2. But so as not to overestimate, I’ll leave it as 1 for this calculation.
- Coffee shop with my uncle. I stuck to just my Americano instead of my usual Americano + one of the awesome treats they have.
- Went to Oakland with some college friends to visit our old stomping ground (Pitt’s campus). We did this about a month ago and we got lunch at Uncle Sam’s then went to our old favorite bar, Hemingway’s and got a drink. This time around, I ate before I went and just sat with them while they ate. And they were nice enough to skip the bar for me and just walk around campus instead.
- Out with a friend. Turns out, it’s hard to find nighttime activities in Pittsburgh in the winter that don’t include eating or drinking but since he knew I was doing this program, my friend graciously came up with a plan to skip drinking as well and we just went and played pool and darts at a local bar instead while sipping on water. So our night was reduced to a mere few dollars in quarters

Here’s what I WOULD HAVE bought/spent had I not been on this program and not done what I described above:
Friend’s going away party at Mario’s bar…. 2-3 cocktails + tip… $15
After Mario’s we went to Acacia where the drinks are high quality and fancier (and more expensive)... 1 cocktail + tip… $15
Eat N Park with family… salad bar + tip… $10
Pamela’s diner… eggs breakfast + tip… $11
Kiku Japanese restaurant (I only got sashimi. Normally I would have gotten apps and a roll with that)... $20
Lunch after wedding dress shopping that I skipped… salad + tip… $12
Engagement party at Dish… glass of wine + tip… $12
Coffee shop… coconut macaroon or other treat… $4
Uncle Sam’s… chicken salad.. $8
Hemingway’s… long island iced tea… $8
The Library (bar)... 2 drinks + tip… $15

Turns out that 21 Day Fix Extreme is good for the waistline AND the bank account!!
Ironic part is that I SAVED more than DOUBLE what the program costs!!!
And if you include the discount I get as a coach, I only paid a THIRD of what I would have spent for the stuff listed above on the program!!

Here’s a picture of me attempting to make it rain with all the money I saved haha

Shakeology is a must. It’s a must for me all the time because of all the benefits I get from it. If you want to know more, I have a video here where I describe that in detail:
But for the 21 Day Fix, whether we’re talking the original or the extreme program (either nutrition plan on the extreme), I found Shakeology absolutely essential for getting all my red containers in (it counts as a protein on this program). On the days where I didn’t have to eat as many protein servings, I found it super helpful to have shakeology be one of them to keep me full and fueled. On the days where I had to eat a ton of protein servings, I found it necessary to use shakeology so as to not get super sick of eating chicken, eggs, and red meat all day (I was already having enough of those as-is)!

“Fruit day”
On the competition plan, you’re only allowed fruit every 3 days. While there are fruit ingredients in shakeology, shakeology counts as a protein/red container on this program so that I was allowed to have every day. Nutritionally, shakeology is the better bet in my opinion (purely from the large quantity and wide diversity of plants, fruits, roots, and other superfoods and therefore TONS of nutrients you get from it), but I also REALLY, highly enjoy my fruit… especially blended into my shakes. So needless to say, I was PUMPED when it was FruuiIIIT DAaaaYYY [insert Geico Camel voice]

I incorporated the 10 min Hard Core video every other day while doing this program. Helllooo abs!!!

I was also really thrilled with the muscle tone in my arms, shoulders, and back!

Just for fun:
When the program was finally over, guess what the first thing I splurged on was? Bananas AND peaches in my shakeology!!! Woooah, I’m such a rebel ;-)

Final Results:
In addition to feeling refreshed, so much stronger, and leaner all over, this program also reduced my stress levels and helped my digestion! I felt SO super healthy and fit and energized throughout this program and beyond!!

In terms of measurements, I lost 4.5 lbs, 3.6% body fat, 2” off my waist, 1.5” off my hips, and 1” off each leg/thigh. Here are my official before and after pics!

More info on the programs:
21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Pack:
21 Day Fix Extreme Base program:
21 Day Fix (original) Challenge Pack:
21 Day Fix (original) Base program:

*Note that for the 21 Day Fix original and Extreme programs, I recommend the challenge packs that come with the shakeology. For me, I felt like Shakeology was essential for getting through the programs in terms of energy, fuel, keeping me satiated, and to get enough servings of protein in!

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Related posts:
3 Day Refresh Results- Feeling Amazing!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Nature and connection

Dr. Christiane Northrup spoke recently about the energetic recognition that a flower is desiring us as much as we are desiring it. Eckhart Tolle in "A New Earth" speaks about flowers as an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless in ourselves. Feelings of love and joy are intrinsically interconnected with the recognition of beauty.

I'm not sure I can fully comprehend the power of those statements but I do know that being in nature, experiencing beauty and appreciation, and feeling a sense of awe and gratitude makes me feel more easily connected than anything else to the energy of the universe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New moon, new intentions!

Gorgeous day today! Sun's out, cool breeze, happy people on the trails, got a boat load of work done this morning, kick-a$$ run, loving the feeling of my lungs expanding and my muscles working beautifully to move my body, listening to a Teal Swan crown chakra opening meditation, bright blue skies, and having SUCH an "I love life!" moment right now!!
New moon today; I always take that as a good time to set new intentions. My intention for this one is to focus on having an **absolute knowing of my worthiness**! That was inspired by a talk I was listening to yesterday that really got me thinking. Where am I holding back on myself? For as much as I know that everything happens for our greater good, where throughout the day am I falling out of that? Where am I allowing stress and overwhelm to beat me down? Where can I free myself just a little bit more?
All the love and abundance and clarity and joy and knowing and freedom already belongs to our higher selves. Let's all spend a minute today just FEELING that a little bit more than usual!!