Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How I came to find my life path and purpose (manifesting in action!)

I tell this story a lot but I have never shared so many personal aspects of it... until now :)

A few years ago when I was still working at my engineering job (long before I even knew what Beachbody coaching was), I was VERY stressed by all the traveling I was doing for work. I loved my company and I loved my job, but the traveling was a huge pressure on me. There were also other things going on in my life that had me very stressed out. So it was a point in my life where I was questioning EVERYTHING. The main thing was that if I could no longer do the job I was doing (mainly because the travel was wearing me down), what would I do if I could do absolutely anything? I obsessively made lists of what my life goals were, what I had been most effective at/productive with in my life, what brought me joy, what hobbies I was most passionate about, what interested me, what I wanted to be remembered for, etc. 

These questions and practices of journaling my heart's desires brought me a lot of clarity and peace. I kept these in what I called my "soul search binder," a binder I had kept ever since high school with printed copies of articles that inspired me, motivational quotes, and things that enlightened/challenged/expanded me like this article, "50 Life Secrets and Tips".

In time, the traveling died down and as my life became less stressful, I set these lists to the side and decided I didn't need to "figure it all out" right then. But low and behold, about 6 months later, I had stumbled upon Beachbody coaching and got involved with that. It started as something I wanted to do because I loved it, then became something I was able to do on the side along with my full-time job as an engineer, and then eventually BECAME my full-time job when I lost my job as an engineer. I tell the full story in my previous blog about trusting the process

Now, when I look back at those lists, I TRULY feel like what I do as a coach completely NAILS so many of those things I said I wanted and that I was best at on those lists!! Talk about manifesting our heart's desires!! You can click on the picture below and read all of my very personal notes about what I want out of life and you'll see that so much of what I mentioned involves helping people, being kind to people, motivating people, and things relating to health and fitness. 

What I didn't realize was how much this experience as a coach would change ME. It is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding things I have ever done. It challenges me, expands me, and inspires me every day through the incredible people I get to interact with because of my job! I am SO GRATEFUL that life has taken me down a path where I feel like I get to live out my purpose 

Thank YOU to all who have been involved with this :) :) :) 

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

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