Thursday, February 18, 2016

My personal financial story with Team Beachbody

The top picture was my final paycheck from my old company right before the company closed in May of 2014. This was my take-home pay every 2 weeks after 7 years of being an engineer there. I felt fairly compensated, I loved the job, I loved working on the development of our medical device and representing our company and product internationally, I felt privileged to work with incredibly talented surgeons from around the world, it was an honor to learn from the incredible people I was lucky enough to work with, and my time there will always hold a special place in my heart.

But I am also proud of this:
*  I am proud of listening to my gut when my coach asked me back in 2012 if I ever considered becoming a coach. I didn’t have a clue what would come out of it but I jumped all-in because it was something I absolutely loved doing. There was definitely a small voice within me that told me I was entering into something significant in my life :)

* I am proud that despite having the same fears that anyone would when starting something new, I stayed connected to the bigger picture and put my heart out there as best as I could. I knew there was a chance that some might interpret what I was doing as salesy, annoying, or even a little crazy, but did that really matter if there were people out there that I was helping? I learned to ignore any doubts with the first message I received letting me know that I helped someone BELIEVE in herself <3

* I am proud of myself for following my heart and taking a plunge into a career that was a complete 180 from what my degree, previous work experience, and training was in (although to be honest, I think coaching is more aligned with what I REALLY wanted out of Bioengineering, which was to help improve the quality of people’s lives and make the world a better place). There were a lot of people who suggested I should get another job in engineering or questioned if I worried about not being able to find another job in engineering down the road if I stepped away from it. The truth? No, I didn’t worry. Job-wise, I knew my skill set was more marketable than ever. But throughout all of this, if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that if you stay ALIGNED with your truth and your joy, the BEST opportunities for you come your way. I never could have foreseen this opportunity coming and I learned a long time ago to trust that things are ALWAYS working out for the best. I have never felt more fulfilled or ALIVE in my life and I know in my heart this is what I was meant to do. Trust me, I’m not looking back! :)

* I am proud of what I have done with this “fun little opportunity”. I LOVE my team- some of the most incredible souls I have ever encountered. I am proud that I have really found my voice and my message in all of this. I have worked with a lot of people and seeing where we all struggle and what helps us all has really helped me learn a TON - and I can use that to help others! I love that we’re all in this together, trying to improve ourselves one day at a time!

And that brings me to my final point: I am proud of the financial success I have built with this too. I know some people feel weird about sharing income information but when I was originally contemplating becoming a Beachbody coach, seeing things like this totally INSPIRED me! I do this to show others what is possible AND because I pour my heart and soul into this business and I like to celebrate my accomplishments along the way! These numbers represent a lot more than just finances to me. This business is a representation of the things that are most meaningful to me: my passions, people I care deeply about, and my dreams! Despite the cultural stigmas attached, I think we should ALL celebrate our successes more often! So here is mine. Here is what I’ve built. And I’m not stopping here- this is just the beginning ;)

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes. The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found at

Friday, February 5, 2016

What's your VISION??

I view Beachbody as the most incredible platform in the world to help others transform their health but honestly, the more important mission in my eyes is to help them transform their BELIEF! I want to show others that more is possible for their lives than they ever dreamed of!! If you read my post the other day about LEGACY, you know how important that this mission is to me!!

What I realized I DON’T share as often is my vision for my OWN life! I want to feel fulfillment in my work every single day. I want to feel like I can help someone in some small way every single day. I want to show kindness to the people I encounter every single day. I feel SO GRATEFUL that I’ve been able to do this AND create a flourishing business out of this where I can help others do the same!!

I want to DOUBLE MY INCOME this year!! I don’t know how exactly that’s all going to come together, but I’ve done it before using just the simple daily activities that I know help consistently grow this business. I have a plan for EXACTLY how I’m going to invest that money. I also have a BIG vision of a donation I would like to make to a local non-profit that is very near and dear to my heart.

When I think even farther down the road, I picture amazing things for my future family because of the work I am doing now. I want my husband to feel COMPLETELY FREE of the trappings of the daily grind and instead be able to pursue the creative passions that set HIS soul on fire! I want us to be able to take long trips to incredible destinations where we can immerse ourselves in nature and spend time just CONNECTING! I want us to have the time and freedom to make every day a fun adventure- trips to the coffee shop, joking with other customers; entertaining neighbors and friends for backyard dinners full of laughter; spending time at the local music shop even if neither of us know how to play; or an impromptu road trip to a middle-of-nowhere town selected on a map by a fun game of darts. I envision a house with extra bedrooms to welcome family and out-of-town friends with open arms. I want our family life to feel happy and carefree, never worrying about the burdens of debt or being able to provide for the fun, free-spirited activities that my kids will come to me asking for! I ENVISION my future family full of laughter and joy and creativity and PRESENCE- sharing special moments outside, reading together, cooking a new recipe, or going for a long walk through the woods. I picture being able to spread a large canvas out in our backyard and taking my daughter by the hand and dancing and tossing paint into a work of art that comes ALIVE before our eyes. I picture having the time and the freedom to enjoy the simple, yet INCREDIBLE, moments of beauty in life!! I want our SOULS to feel nourished and our HEARTS to feel full!

For so much of my life, I always pictured the normal things that everyone is always taught to- a job, kids down the road, a never-ending to-do list, juggling schedules, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I make it a point to enjoy EVERYTHING in my life no matter what and I know that would have been just fine. But it’s only been in recent years that my eyes have been open to other ways- different lifestyles! I always loved my job as an engineer but now I get to do something that absolutely sets my soul on fire with ENERGY and PURPOSE every single day!! And for as many freedoms I had at my old job, it’s NOTHING compared to this!! To be honest, I still feel like I’m on one big vacation from work (it’s been almost 2 years lol)! I still have moments where I forget that this is my full-time LIFE! And that’s CRAZY to me! I can go anywhere, see anyone, any time I’d like! I can drop everything and be present with whoever needs me! And I KNOW I can not only carry this into a future family life and be present with my kids, but I also know that I can give this same gift of freedom and presence to my husband, which means the world to me. ANNDDD, on top of all that, I know that through discovering and showing what is possible in MY life, I can inspire others to pursue their OWN dreams and their OWN freedom!! And the entire time I get to feel like I’m helping others and living my life’s purpose.

Think that would feel great? It does. And guess what- ANYONE can do this. Ask me. Get started now. You can be here too!! We can do this TOGETHER! Together we can change the trajectory of our lives and the WORLD! Let me tell you, I saw others posting about this years ago and even knowing how great it sounded is nothing compared to what it feels like to be living it.


I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

What's your legacy?

I had a long drive to/from a funeral of a friend’s mom today. Even though I had never met her, it was very clear what a special person she was and what an impact she made on those lucky enough to have known her (even her fedex guy and mailman had showed up to pay their respects)! You can tell by pictures how much LIFE she packed into her years!! On the drive home, I spent a lot of time pondering my greater vision and purpose for my life. What kind of an impact do I want to make? What kind of a legacy do I want to leave?

For as much fun as I have with the Beachbody coaching, I have to say that it is something I have ALWAYS taken very seriously in terms of the message I’m providing and feel a strong sense of responsibility with the opportunity I am sharing. It is my INTENTION that every single day I will be able to help someone in some small way. I feel it is my PURPOSE to show others that no matter what they’re going through, they are not alone. My clients and coaches can tell you that I am not afraid to share my struggles in the hopes that what I’ve learned can help someone else. There is an OPPORTUNITY here to see a higher purpose and a bigger picture for your life! WHATEVER is holding you back currently (and we all have those things!), please know that you are MORE than that! You were DESTINED for greatness! We ALL were! And through discovering what is possible in MY life, I hope to inspire others to pursue their OWN dreams!!! YOU ARE SPECIAL AND YOU ARE ENOUGH! Don’t let anyone else make you feel less than the PERFECTION you already are! Don’t tell yourself that anyone else has something that makes them more special or more capable of greatness! That POWER is inside of you too!! I hope you really get what I am saying to you! That power is in ALL of us!! Open your eyes to see it and ask yourself, WHY NOT YOU?? GO for it!! If nothing else, I want to be that person to take your hand when you feel like nobody else believes in you (or maybe you don’t even believe in yourself!) and SHOW you your strengths! SHOW you that you’re already AMAZING!!

If nothing else comes out of my life, THAT is the legacy I want to leave!!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.