Friday, April 10, 2015

Thanks for the support through the good times and the not-so-good!

I have been super stressed, overwhelmed, and emotionally tapped-out lately. I apologize to anyone I've taken longer than normal to respond to. But I'm also going to take this opportunity to say thank you for the supportive, wonderful people you are! I am far from perfect and appreciate you all for loving and accepting me just as I am- flaws, fears, insecurities, failures, and all. Well, I never really believe in failure. I believe we're all doing the best we can. Sometimes that means we come up short. But in those short-comings, in those weak moments of vulnerability, in those moments of revealing our true selves, the good and the bad, I believe that is where we all find connection and the ONEness that unites us all.

I am grateful for the people who pick me up when I'm not at my best. For friends who will tell me the truth of their opinions. For friends who always have my best interest at heart. For friends who will get me outside in nature when I need to de-stress. For friends who will stay up late just to be there for me. For friends who will do a meditative, healing, prayer ceremony with me to help me reconnect to my truth and my higher self. For friends who will give me a kick-ass workout and sweat session to release some anxiety. For friends who will hug me and tell me everything is going to be ok. For friends who will help me decipher what my priorities are and help me give myself permission to table what once seemed important but is maybe not my top priority currently. For friends who will have 5am FB philosophy conversations about life when we can't sleep. For friends who are there for me no matter what.
***So I think that covers all of you haha. So if you're reading this, thank you for loving and understanding me and having my back through all the ups and downs of life. I appreciate YOU!***

And one last thing. Throughout the last few days, I've gotten news of several friends and family members who are dealing with some major tough stuff. Everything from scary health diagnoses to watching a precious loved one fight for their life to news of a special little one getting some wings before ever seeing the light of this world. My prayers and love go out to all of these strong souls and I hope you know that I am always there for you the way you have been there for me.

Much love to all of you,

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