Friday, March 27, 2015

Is age really just a number?

One of my friends posted a picture asking what people thought of the gray hair trend (just google "gray hair trend" if you're not familiar). I like the idea of any trend that embraces something we're culturally/societally trained not to be "ok" with. But what is it that we're not ok with? Is it just the mere reminders that we are getting older or that we're not the image we used to be? Would this model really think she was cool if they were actual gray hairs? I don't really mind the lines on my forehead but I mind the fact that they weren't there 3 or 4 years ago. Is it the change that we're not comfortable with or the projection of what might come next? I've been thinking about age a lot lately. I LOVE the Oprah Prime special with Cameron Diaz where she talks about aging as a privilege (a *must watch* if you ever catch it on OWN network). I'm really starting to believe (*actually* believe... not just believe in theory) that age is just a number. After a certain point in our lives where we are mostly done physically growing and we start the slow deterioration process, isn't it all relative? It may sound morbid (although I swear this actually makes me feel better), but after a certain point, we're basically just measuring an estimation of time until we die. That actually makes me feel good. In a lot of ways, I feel healthier with more vitality than I did in my early and mid 20s. I'm eating better, I drink very little alcohol anymore, I rarely get headaches, I haven't been sick once in the last 3 years, and I feel so strong and physically fit. If I had no reference point to my actual age, I can basically feel as young as I want to feel. What would happen to our perception of ourselves if we literally had no way to know our age? What if we were somehow able to delete the knowledge of our birth year? Would that better tune us in to how we FEEL more than wasting energy fearing hitting that next age milestone? This is all such a fascinating topic to me and I'm curious to hear your thoughts!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Be your own food advocate!

I have learned this lesson time and time again (even before I had food sensitivities and just wanted to make sure I was getting something healthy): how IMPORTANT it is to speak up, ask questions, and ask for modifications at restaurants. You are paying for the food and service, you DESERVE to get it in a way that meets your needs!

I learned the hard way at Bahama Breeze that grilled fish doesn't necessarily mean healthy food. A few years ago we would go there for lunch at work and I couldn't figure out why the plain (no dressing!) salmon salad was making me feel so yucky until one day, out of suspicion that they might be marinating it or cooking it in oils that didn't agree with me, I asked for TRULY plain fish. The salmon looked and tasted completely different (it actually tasted better in my opinion) and I left feeling great.

Ever since then, I've learned to ask questions of even the seemingly healthiest things on the menu.

Today, I was at Islamorada (on vacation in Myrtle Beach) and while I was disheartened to hear that the innocent-looking grilled fish was cooked in butter, our waitress was kind enough to bring out the restaurant manager who was SUPER friendly, was able to tell me every little ingredient in the food, cooked my food personally (with salt and pepper only per his suggestion), it was fantastic, I felt good, and all were happy.

So while you think you may be the "pain in the butt" customer, any quality restaurant is going to be happy to do what they can to oblige your dietary needs and it's a win-win for everyone. I'd happily come here again and recommend it to all of you!! Plus, how are restaurants going to know what the people want and make adjustments to their menus in the future to reflect that unless we speak up??

I REALLY appreciated how they bent over backwards to make sure the food was what I needed and were friendly and enthusiastic about it the whole time! So for those of you who may be nervous to speak up, the positive outcome may just surprise you (or blow you away like it did for me tonight)!

*Update as of 7/9/16*
*Restaurant tip*

Yesterday at lunch I ordered the seafood pasta (minus the pasta since I can't have gluten). They use vegetables instead and it's absolutely delicious. I've done this at a few other places with the seafood pasta. It always comes out a little different based on what veggies they use but I honestly think it tastes better than if it were made with pasta (plus I feel WAY better after)!

This was at The Fish Market but I know other restaurants do this as well. Carmella's does this for me with several of their pastas.

Never be afraid to ask if you want something healthier! Your body will thank you for it!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Big milestone and thank you to my team!!

I don't normally post about my Beachbody income but this particular milestone is solely thanks to the incredible work of my amazing team of coaches so I've just got to take a second to say THANK YOU!! I got a HUGE, unexpected surprise when I logged on to my online office this morning and saw that the portion of the income that comes from the bonuses Beachbody pays me based on how well my team is doing from this past week EQUALED what I used to get in 2 WEEKS at my full-time job as an engineer!!!! This absolutely blew my mind!!! When I started down this journey, I did it because I loved it. When I found out I might be losing my engineering job (and then when I did), I was just thrilled to be able to be making a decent income doing something I still loved, that still made me feel so energized and alive, and that was one of the most fulfilling/rewarding things I've ever done. So for me, anything above and beyond that is a BONUS!

So I am absolutely thrilled. It makes me feel supported and abundant. It reassures me that I made the right choices along the way and reminds me that I'm on the right path and right where I need to be :)

So for any coaches out there struggling with this business or any PERSON out there struggling with ANYTHING in life, don't forget that things can change JUST LIKE THAT! LITERALLY overnight, things can turn around. Breakthroughs can happen. Disappointing situations can turn positive. Something that has seemed stagnant can take off. DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!!!! You may only be one day away!!!

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.