Saturday, March 19, 2016

Healthy Shakeology Ice Cream!!!

I’m on vacation in Myrtle Beach with my parents. There’s something about being at the beach and on vacation with the fam that makes me want ice cream. It could be the fact that it’s everywhere you look around here (there was even a family with GIANT bowls of it in the elevator) or it could just be habit since we always used to go on a special family outing for ice cream at the end of every vacation as kids. I will most likely indulge in a treat as this vacation nears its end but in the meantime, I found a SUPER healthy alternative that actually might be even better than REAL ice cream (plus I feel GREAT after eating it- not bloated or on a sugar high)!

Here’s how to make it!

I blended all of the above together (except the toppings, of course) but in retrospect, I would have added the ice progressively. I think that would have made it easier to blend (I had to keep mixing it up with a spoon to get the ice to get down near the blades since the mixture was so thick). UPDATE: That method did work better when I made it the next night!

All in all, this turned out GREAT! Totally satisfied my ice cream craving!! BONUS: it’s HEALTHY! No added sugars, no artificial flavorings/colorings- all good stuff! One scoop of Vegan Chocolate Shakeology is 170 calories and the frozen blueberries I added were about 30 calories. I got this HUGE bowl out of it! Most commercial ice cream is between 200 and 300 calories for a teeny tiny ½ cup serving (plus you get a boat load of sugar and fat with that)!!

I feel great and my body and digestive system are very happy with my healthy decision! I might not need that treat at the end of vacation after all :)

My personal story of the benefits I’ve seen with shakeology can be found here:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease*
Similar healthy treats using Shakeology can be found here:!
Purchasing info:
UPDATE: My mom and I made our Shakeology treats for the 2nd night in a row- I think I am now addicted! :-D

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach:

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

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