Sunday, April 19, 2015

What feels good to your soul?

All the spiritual teachers I follow were talking all week about the new energy being brought in by the new moon in Aries. I knew the official time for this was 2:57pm yesterday (and it was an absolutely GORGEOUS day!) so I decided to head to the park and have my own little celebration of sorts. I went to the park, sat under the trees, journaled intentions I wanted to set for this new phase, put on some music, did yoga, read, and just enjoyed the feel of my bare feet on the fresh, green grass. It honestly felt like food for my soul. I could feel complete conviction in my intentions, power in this new energy, and so full of love and knowingness that all is working out. We are stepping into a new phase and I am ready to step into my higher truth and higher self like never before. Talk about feeling your vibration raise!!!

Whether you believe in these astrological energies or not, I think it always feels good to find a reason (even if it's just a sunny day!) to set some new intentions, feed your soul, and raise your energy. I'd love to hear about what intentions and celebrations you're creating!

Love, joy, and blessings to you!

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