Monday, December 29, 2014

Holiday Stress and Overwhelm

I’ve been WAY stressed out this month. It’s all been good stuff so I feel a little guilty even complaining (add guilt to the series of emotions making me feel overwhelmed). I’ve been away a lot (great trips and amazing times spent with friends), have some family in town for the holidays (loving that), Beachbody coaching is great and keeping me busy (can’t complain about good business), so like I said- all good stuff, but the sheer amount of busyness this month caught me way off guard and I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed! For me, when I get overwhelmed, I tend to not want to tackle ANYTHING and eventually the overwhelm gets so bad that I have no choice but to crawl my way out of the ditch and get back in action. Fortunately, it’s happened to me enough times that I know the ways that work best for me to dig myself out. I’ve been having to employ all of them, BUT, they’ve been working!

This list may seem like a lot but actually, even doing JUST ONE of these things instantly reduces the overwhelm for me! All of these things are just a matter of getting BACK TO BASICS!

A HEALTHY MEAL. I swear, getting some greens in me makes me feel better immediately. The healthier I eat in general, the more I notice how much my mood and energy are affected by eating the not-so-healthy stuff. So needless to say, holiday treats, large portions at restaurants, and just being away from my normal set of food has taken its toll on how I feel. But the good news is that one little healthy snack already helps me turn it around!

GETTING OUT IN NATURE. It’s cold here in Pittsburgh at this time of year but the fresh air does wonders for my mental clarity and my soul.

A GOOD WORKOUT. Anything that gets my heart rate up!! Insanity Max:30 has DEFINITELY been doing the trick for me. And at 30 minutes/workout I can definitely squeeze that in. But often times when I’m super overwhelmed, it’s hard to give up precious “work catch-up time” to get a workout in so sometimes I have to start with just doing SOMETHING each day (even if that just means some jumping jacks, a quick walk, running the stairs a few times, or turning on some good tunes and dancing around my apartment). Getting back into the routine helps me feel motivated to do more.

“CHUNKING” MY WORK. My to-do list lately has been so overwhelming to look at lately that it makes me just want to stay in bed! The kicker is, 70% of the things on it are not really even all that important to my success and happiness. But they are things that would make me feel better to get done (mostly work tracking/organizational stuff). They’ve been nagging me for a while and I want to get them off of my to-do list once and for all. SOME of these things, I’ve just got to recognize that they won’t make much difference in my life and I’ve got to wave the white flag and surrender. Sure, they’d be nice to get done, but tasks like organizing my old pictures won’t really affect my life and for my own sanity, I need to just call it quits on trying to get these things done. For the rest of the stuff that I decide DOES need to get done, my go-to strategy is to CHUNK. This means I need to break it down into the smallest possible actionable steps to reduce the overwhelm. For example, I’ve been meaning to set up my website for months but “set up website” will forever get glazed over on my to-do list if I don’t make it more manageable. So simpler steps like “log into website account to see what makes sense and what doesn’t,” “ask Nikki for suggestions on setting up website email,” “make list of most basic social media accounts to link to,” “write 1 paragraph website intro,” etc make it way more manageable. I can do those little things! And checking them off gives me pride and momentum!

It also helps to just DECIDE. Trying to mentally balance all the things I need to get done is way too much. So I just need to pick SOMETHING to start with. It may not be the most productive or effective thing or the “eat that frog” task if you’ve read Brian Tracy’s great book. But I can’t waste any more precious energy trying to decide what is. So I’m just going to pick something and in that moment forget about everything else that I need to do and just do it. If nothing else, at least I accomplished 1 thing off of my to-do list!

STRESS-RELIEVING PRACTICES. In addition to the ones above, I love making GRATITUDE LISTS to remind me of what’s really important (even if it’s just a quick mental list). Saying a quick prayer or asking God, the universe, and my angels for help makes me feel like I don’t have to do this on my own! Thinking about who in my life I can ask for help makes me feel a whole lot better too. Why muddle through something on my own when I know a bunch of people who are much more proficient at things like setting up a website? And let’s not forget that youtube and google are my friends in terms of teaching me how to do things that seem overwhelming too. I also have printed sheets of quotes that inspire me. Taking 30 seconds to read over some INSTANTLY makes me feel more inspired. Saying mantras, meditation, a quick 2-minute yoga session, visualizing my big goals, thanking God for my struggles (which automatically seems to remind me that my struggles aren’t that bad and that there’s a bigger purpose at work here), reading a book, listening to Joel Osteen or my favorite Hay House authors online (youtube, Hay House Radio, their websites, etc) make me feel more grounded because I know I have my own personal “spiritual team” rooting me on, all of these things have so much power! Even a cup of hot tea can remind me of what’s really important and bring me back to the present moment.

MOST IMPORTANTLY- REMEMBERING I AM NOT ALONE! Like I said above, I have lots of help (from the people in my life and from God and the spirit world), I am supported. But it also helps to remember that we ALL feel overwhelmed at times- especially during the holidays. We need to give ourselves a break! There’s a lot more on our plate than usual (in terms of our to-do list and our actual plate haha!) plus we’re out of our normal routine, our sleeping patterns are off, that’s a lot for anyone to handle!! I heard a talk from one of my favorite authors recently who reminded me of this. If someone who I consider a teacher when it comes to all things spiritual, who embodies zen, is feeling stressed, then that definitely gives me permission to feel OK about feeling stressed myself. It was a great reminder that I can hang onto it, or I can just let it pass through me. It is up to me whether I want to feel stressed or not. It is all energy, I can allow it to flow :)

Any of these things above makes doing the other things so much easier. And the more of them I do, the more momentum it creates. More importantly, I’ve learned to enjoy this process and have fun in these “rebuilding” phases. OVERWHELM HAPPENS. IT’S OK. It gives us a chance to take inventory of our lives, re-evaluate, and course-correct. Then we can get back on track in a more meaningful and intentional way and continue to live our lives better than ever!!

I hope these tips/tools that help me are able to help you in some way! If you have other techniques that help you, please feel free to share below!

Much love!

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to get overwhelmed during the holidays, and you have given some great tips here to stay calm and grounded. A good workout is the easiest way to boost your physical and mental health, even just getting out for a brisk walk will make you feel better instantly.

    Catarina @ Wild Fitness
