Saturday, December 15, 2012

Never a perfect time

When it comes to working out and good nutrition, there is NEVER a perfect time to start. Holidays are busy (with tons of treats readily available); wedding season starts in May; summer months bring picnics, vacations, grad parties, and general busyness; with fall comes tailgates and football parties; and on it goes. And those are just the temptation-heavy events and periods where you’re extra limited on time. That doesn’t even include the normal day to day life stuff that sneaks up on us out of nowhere. Not to mention, illnesses, other people needing your time, busy projects at work, etc. But those are the times when you have to buckle down and say, you know what? I’m going to MAKE this work! Think of it as the universe throwing a big challenge at you. And you know what the best part is? If you can keep at it during the busy/tough times, you can handle ANY situation or circumstance that gets in your way (not to mention the less stressful times will be a breeze)!! It will send your confidence and motivation sky high!! Prove it to yourself that you can do this! Make a commitment to yourself to make a health priority and start NOW! 

This concept applies to EVERYTHING in life!!  I saw this quote from Carl Daikeler, the Beachbody CEO, the other day:

Show yourself what you want your new "normal" lifestyle to be, by doing it.
You want to be a "healthy person", be that, today.
You want to be a "wealthy person", do the work it takes, today.
You want to be a "fit person", workout, today.

He's got a point. If we want to be those things, we can be. And we can be those things TODAY. The tangible results may not come until later but we *become* those things the moment we start living that way. Let’s do this.

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.


  1. Very good written article. It will be supportive to anyone who utilizes it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts.

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