Thursday, August 20, 2015

Now and Then: Slow and Steady LIFESTYLE Changes

I was talking to a super sweet friend of mine yesterday who is looking to make some healthy changes in her life. A lot of what she was saying she struggles with is exactly where I was just a few short years ago. I’ve shared a lot of before and after pics of programs I’ve done but I don’t think I’ve ever done a big picture comparison between what my life was like 3 years ago and what it’s like now. Throwback Thursday seemed like the perfect occasion! :)  It’s been a series of slow, steady, SUSTAINABLE lifestyle changes. A few steps forward, a step back. My healthy habits are not perfect or 100% foolproof but I’ve come along way and I’m very proud of that. My health has always been important to me, but the biggest difference between then and now is that my day to day decisions now are actually aligning with that. Even accounting for the imperfections, occasional missed workouts or overindulgences, or times when I’m off track, the big picture is is a healthy and happy one :) And I FEEL aligned with where and who I want to be.

So in honor of throwback Thursday (and my awesome friend and our great conversation), I thought I’d post some pictures of me from back in 2009-2012ish when I was at my highest weight. I never stressed too much about my weight but I DID feel badly that I wasn’t making time to workout. I felt badly that I was putting some not-so-great things in my body (eating poorly and drinking frequently). I didn’t feel physically at my best either- I was tired frequently, bloated, sluggish. I often felt uncomfortable in clothes- like LITERALLY I could feel pants that I used to wear with no problem now digging into my waist when I sat down (and I’d have to yank them up when I stood up). I switched to flowy shirts and often tried to cover my stomach. I enjoyed running but I could feel soreness way more easily, especially tightness in my knees, because of the extra weight I was carrying and my legs felt like logs. I came down with colds or sore throats multiple times each year. In general, it made it hard to be fully engaged in loving life...

Fast forward to the summer of 2012 when I discovered Beachbody programs. I now had an actual PLAN for my workouts, I learned about strength training through Chalean Extreme, I started eating MUCH cleaner, I started drinking Shakeology daily (which PACKED my system with the nutrients I needed), and I had an AWESOME Facebook-based online accountability group of other women working towards the same goals. I fell in love with it and decided to become a coach. I was far from where I am now, but being a coach and taking others on this journey with me forced me to stay engaged. We had FUN experimenting with recipes, finding ways to motivate ourselves, and encouraging each other to stick with it. I always tell my clients that I rely on THEM as much as they rely on me! Now I have a whole team of coaches to keep me going strong!!

Now I have so much more energy, muscle tone that I had never had in my life, a HUGE tool chest of tips and tricks to stay motivated, and AWESOME support from my clients and fellow coaches. I haven’t been sick ONCE in over 3 years, I feel super fit and strong, I love the way my clothes fit, I feel lean and healthy, and I’m EXCITED ABOUT LIFE!

It’s not about being perfect or reaching some arbitrary “ideal weight” at ALL. My weight still fluctuates and I still have times when I get off track (like this summer, for example). But the difference is, the times that I’m off track are much shorter and much less “severe” haha. I KNOW how to get back on track and I can get back on track easily and quickly with the help and support of my Beachbody friends. I am mindful of what I eat. I keep my health as my main priority and I make sure my choices align with that. I look for other ways to take care of myself like doing my best to keep stress low. I have found ways to LOVE working out! Healthy cooking is my form of zen :)  I’ve made it a LIFESTYLE. It wasn’t overnight. It did take work. But I PROMISE YOU, it’s WORTH IT!!!

I would be honored to help you with your fitness journey :)  Here is a link to sign up for a free account with me as your coach: Or you can go to, sign up for a free account, and enter any of my info in when it asks if a coach referred you: screen name: KatelynLesk, coach ID: 183908

Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Friday, August 14, 2015

I need to take a second to brag about YOU!!

On social media these days, I see a LOT of people posting about haters. My heart goes out to them. It really does. NOBODY should ever be made to feel like less than the awesomeness that each and every person inherently is and I commend them for standing strong despite any negative feedback. But I must say that the other thing that comes to mind when I see these types of posts is how GRATEFUL I am to have such incredible friends, family, social media friends, and networks who have been nothing but supportive- not just with my coaching journey but who have supported me my whole life. I’m not just talking about close friends and family, I’m literally talking about EVERY SINGLE ONE of you on here. If you’re reading this, I’m talking to YOU! And I thank you.

I’m not saying that every person has to like me or agree with me- we all have our own opinions on lots of different topics and I LOVE that! That’s what makes us UNIQUE! But can I just pause for a second and say how incredible you all are for doing what you do?! I literally don’t know that I’ve EVER gotten any kind of “hater” message before (I did get one really bizarre comment on one of my youtube videos once from a stranger but literally before I could even report it to Youtube, other complete strangers had stepped up and were sticking up for me all through the comment thread on the video, which I actually thought was really cool that I got to see and experience… “look for the helpers,” Mr. Rogers says). I respect all of your opinions but you’re all either super supportive or kind/polite enough to at least not talk down on anything I’m doing. And that’s why I love you all! You’re all too busy rocking your own awesome stuff in life to bother with nay-saying anyone else!!!

So to literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON reading this- my friends, my family, my beachbody supporters, and my peeps that NEVER WANT TO HEAR THE WORD BEACHBODY AGAIN haha- I LOVE YOU ALL TO PIECES!! And I appreciate each and every single one of you for being kind, classy, compassionate, supportive, encouraging, incredible souls!!! All ships rise with the tide and you all sure know how to make the tide rise! Keep on rocking with all the awesome stuff that YOU all are doing too!!


Disclaimer Copy: Katelyn Lesk is an Independent Beachbody Coach. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Goal setting, dream making, vision boarding, clarifying!

If you all don't know I'm crazy, now you know haha! Clearly there was a part of me that was really yearning to clarify some big life goals! I've really been putting my heart and soul into this assignment from our challenge group and even pulled out old goals, vision boards, and inspiring books to help me clarify. I'm using Chalene Johnson's PUSH to clarify my top priority statement and push goal. I did this back in 2013 and it was sooo useful but I'm a different person now with bigger dreams so it definitely needs an update!! The first 4 days REALLY help with the clarification process. I highly recommend it! If anyone would like to do it with me, you can either get the book or do it for free at! I might even continue on through all 30 days (which I've never actually done before)!